I moved here from my professional career in London in May 2014 following a life changing accident and I decided I wanted a change of lifestyle. I found the Garrison on an internet search, it was the first place to pop up and I took the chance and bought it.
I have continued with my professional career here in Scotland whilst I renovated the Garrison, accumulated various life-stock for breeding for food and rescued some animals/birds in need of a home too.
I grow most of my own vegetables and fruit and some meat and use eggs from the hens, ducks and geese for food and I share this with my guests for dinners and breakfasts.
My mission is to share the Garrisons forgotten history and how it has evolved and changed through the years to suit peoples ever changing requirements. I want to showcase the possibility that it is possible in a consumable focussed world that we can live in a more sustainable manner and potentially live rather than survive in this world during the very little time each of us have on this planet of ours.
If you have any questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
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