About your hosts

About your Hosts

We moved here from our professional careers from London in May 2014 following a life changing accident (on Kelly's part) and decided we wanted a change of lifestyle. We found the Garrison on an internet search, it was the first place to pop up and following long discussions (mostly including the remoteness of it) we took the chance and bought it.

We continued with our professional jobs for the first 2 years here in Scotland whilst we basically dug the place out and renovated the byre into the rooms you stay in now. We rented the rooms to the bunkhouse for one and half years and then decided to start the bed and breakfast.

This made sense as we had accumulated various livestock and were growing all our own vegetables already. So we just scaled up what we were already doing to enable enough food for our guests also.
Our mission is to share the Garrisons forgotten history, how it has evolved and changed to suit peoples requirements throughout its 300+ years. Also to share that it is achievable to live, eat and work in a sustainable way to reduce our impact on this beautiful planet for now and the future.



If you have any questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Taste our best
Scottish tourist board
Cyclists welcome
Walkers welcome

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